
Information from our May 24-26, 2024 family reunion.

It is our hope and goal that one or two people will volunteer to lead the recruitment process for the 2026 Minnie M. Lee Family Reunion. A reunion committee should be identified not later than February 28, 2025.

Prepared By: Walter Wright, Minnie M. Lee, Grandson

Hello Family,
Minnie M. Lee Family Reunion 2014 in St. Louis, Missouri.  Welcome to the updated Minnie Mae Lee Family Reunion website.  This website is a work in progress so share your ideas for improvements throughout the year.  Our plan is for this website to be used to communicate, collect family information, and share information regarding our past and upcoming family reunion.  In addition, share family information. Please visit the website often and send pictures and information for pasting to the site; sign the guest book and send us any suggestions. Again, please share any good family news that we may share with other family members (newborn, academic achievements, awards, promotion &, etc…).  Please send us the addresses  the contact information for those you know as we develop a family address book.
We understand that select family members desire other means to share reunion details other than this website. Please communicate this information to me if a family member prefers communications via the US Postal service, email, or telephone.  The website method is cost and time effective and a constant way of communicating (all year long, 24/7) and sharing updates. Please pass our website address on to other family members.
Thanks for your patience with us. Please pray for God's blessings and guidance as we plan to reunite.
                                                               Prepared By: Walter Wright, Minnie M. Lee, Grandson