Minnie M. Lee Children
Family tree
Family tree

Minnie M. Lee Family Tree created in 2024.

Will Smith wedding photo-New wife, Sadie Cobb-Smith
Will Smith wedding photo-New wife, Sadie Cobb-Smith

Historical artifact.

Five of Minnie M. Lee children attend the wedding of Minnie's son, Will Smith. 

Pictured from left to right, Willie B. Wison-Pierce, Louise Smith-Wright, Minnie Smith-Brown, Will Smith, Sadie Cobb-Smith (Will Smith bride-wife), and Odessa Smith-Jones.

1st Child                                                     5th Child 
                               Willie B. Pierce                                        Louise Wright                             
                                    DOB: 10/11/1920                                        01/22/1932                                   
                     Deceased: 10/2010 (89 yrs)                       Deceased: 08/2004 (72 yrs)                 
2nd Child                                                   6th Child
Carrie McFarland                                      L. C. Smith
DOB: 01/29/1922                                          01/16/1934
Deceased: 11/1988 (66 yrs)                         Deceased: 01/1961 (26 yrs)
3rd Child                                                    7th Child
Willie Smith                                                Minnie E. Brown
DOB: 08/1/1927                                            DOB: 06/04/1936
Deceased: 06/2012 (84 yrs)                        Deceased: 11/2002 (66 yrs)
4th Child                                                     8th Child
Louis E. Smith                                                Odessa Jones
DOB: 08/15/1929                                          DOB: 11/01/1938
Deceased: 08/1990 (60 yrs)                        Deceased: 07/2013 (74 yrs)
9th Child
Barbara McNair
DOB: 01/07/1942
Deceased: 02/2007 (65 yrs)